Friday, August 20, 2004

End of Holidays..

Last few days of holidays and what exiciting *sarcastic* days ive had.... Lets see...

Monday.. Boring...

Tuesday... Boring.. Then later in the evening Douglas came and we played Ping-Pong.. i won... but then he trashed me in snooker badly... i must beat him soon... Or Else...

Wednesday... 2 of my school friends came over to the house.... had to take a bus into town just to bring them here... then ate like pigs... they left... boring.. then ate like a pig again... went to the pasar malam cause of Mindy and her "Im Bored" phase... but it was cool.. haven't gone to a pasar malam in ages.. bought 2 CD's.. Michael Buble and Some cheap Rap & Hip Hop album... Sent her back and slept like a dog... *Sorry for the uses of animal names*

Thursday... Boring..

Friday... Half of the day and its really boring...

All of these days... and nothing except for my daily morning swims.. TV.. Sleep.. Eat.. Study.. and computer most of the time.... but how can one not do all those things... damn... hope the weekend is better.... peace


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